Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Manu Ginobili leads argentina to gold at athens olympics This day in history

“Manu goes up for the shot and sinks it! That puts the lead up to 15” exclaimed the radio announcer. Our whole household erupted with excitement as the argentine team toppled Italy by 15 and won gold at Athens. The radio announcer said he fell out of his chair with excitement and our whole family screamed with laughter. After the game Manu Ginobili was in his locker room being part drowned in the champagne showers. After the long plane ride home the argentina team were welcomed home with cheers and tears. I waited for the parade to come past me so I could ask Manu how he became so good. I asked Mum if she could lift me so I could talk to Manu for I was only 4. She lifted me up as Manu came past. I asked him how he became so good at basketball. He replied with “Hard work and dedication". 14 Years later I sat crying in my room after hearing Manu had retired from basketball. I just knew I had to have a great season in my NCAA Virginia team. My Mum called me down for breakfast “Francisco Caffaro stop crying in your room it is not the end of the world”

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